Paridhi Art Group

We ensure you that your donations will be spent on a useful purpose which intends to bring a positive change in the society. We realize that you have donated because you passionately feel for the cause. All the well-to-do people of this country would like to help us financially in taking the mission to higher levels. The donations from you will bring a positive change in the society and build a safe, secured, happy, confident, respectful and full of hope future for the little girls of the country.

Your generosity will help sustain the "Meri Beti Mera Abhimaan" mission and bring much awaited and desired transformation into the attitude of millions of people with which they perceive the female child. By supporting us in our mission you are also helping to bring transition into the lives of socially deprived little girls from "neglect towards care".

Donate with us. Call us at -

Jyotti Kumar

Change Their World. Change Yours. This changes everything.